Compensation Strategy

Clearpoint Advisors, LLC applies a holistic approach to working with clients to develop and implement tailored compensation strategies and plans by understanding your business goals and objectives. Each company should have a total compensation strategy that sets forth the company’s philosophy on issues such as:

  • Pay Positioning: Level of compensation relative to competition
  • Pay Mix: Balancing the appropriate mix of fixed pay and variable pay
  • Performance Measures: Combination of financial, market, and strategic performance measures
  • Performance Benchmarks: Use of historical, projected, or peer performance as standards of success
  • Key Cultural Objectives: Rule of subjective measures


Clearpoint Advisors, LLC works with clients to identify appropriate peers for financial performance and pay benchmarking. We analyze competitive compensation data from several sources, including public documents (i.e., proxy statements, 10-Ks), published surveys, and best practice research maintained in our database, which contains the compensation practices of well-known best practice companies. Our process includes local and industry market analyses of pay information and an extensive review of all aspects of regional and competitor compensation programs. We use comparative data from national and regional external databases and regional, proprietary, internal sources.

Executive and Board Compensation

Clearpoint Advisors, LLC is a recognized leader in providing independent advice to Compensation Committees and their senior management. We specialize in the development of performance-driven, comprehensive compensation programs that are directly linked to the economic value of the business enterprise, while remaining fully compliant with SEC, IRS, and state requirements.

Incentive Compensation Planning

Clearpoint Advisors, LLC designs specialized annual and long-term incentive plans, including performance and event related incentives. The initial phase of our process is to gain a complete understanding of your business structure and performance drivers. Working with clients, we then establish performance measures, along with associated benchmarks.

Compensation Committee Services

Clearpoint Advisors, LLC offers a variety of independent and objective services for compensation committees related to review of documents, including employment contracts, education and on-board training, compensation philosophy development, guidance to accommodate plans from mergers or assimilate plans from acquisitions, board of directors’ compensation, and change-in-control analysis and planning.

Communications Assistance

The best-designed comprehensive compensation plans may fail if not properly communicated. Clearpoint Advisors, LLC assists companies in preparing communications to employees and providing education for managers regarding the new program and other related assistance.

Total Compensation Statements

A Total Compensation Statement is a communication tool that clearly shows employees the financial worth of their total compensation. Show your employees the major investment your organization makes in their lives and that of their families. Clearpoint Advisors, LLC helps transform your employees’ understanding the value of your overall benefit package, by preparing Total Compensation Statements.


Clearpoint Advisors, LLC provides clients with compliance consulting services, including review of various compliance disclosures, company specific impact analysis of new releases and regulations, and technical assistance with compliance and process matters.

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